About Me

Hey, I'm Diana!

I’m an explorer and storyteller.

As a little girl, my only dream was to travel. I used to watch documentaries on Discovery Channel and Animal Planet with explorers like Steve Irwin and thoroughly enjoyed the exotic animals they presented, but also the very far away destinations they kept finding these beautiful creatures in. And so, when I was a kid, I wanted to be an explorer myself. And of course I wanted to go to those same places I saw in the documentaries, but first of all, I just wanted to go. For a while it didn’t really even matter where, I just wanted to see a different country – the key element here being ‘different‘. I was definitely different and wanted different things than my family and friends at the time, and I was super proud of that. It was my authentic dream and no one could influence that.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to go abroad until my early 20s, since my financial situation wasn’t great growing up. But at 21 I finally made my travel dream come true and ever since then I kept on traveling – I made it happen with a lot of ambition, proper goal setting and thorough planning. Travel is expensive, and for some people – who don’t do it for a living or don’t have unlimited funds – it needs to be planned while keeping count of work, friends, relationships, family and a whole bunch of other adult responsibilities. I was there, but I made it! It is possible – believe and plan!

But almost everyone travels,  in the end, you would say – so what? And it seems like almost everyone says travel is their hobby now, if you ask them. In over 15 years of my own travels, where I got to see tourist spots and also traveled off-path, I’ve learned that travel is not just about the pretty pictures, it’s about the way you picture yourself after. It’s about going further, traveling deeper inside your thoughts, about personal-growth and about becoming YOU – through travel.

How to do it? Here is my piece of advice for those of you who want to push your limits:  don’t just travel because everyone does it, travel to get uncomfortable, to challenge yourself, to move yourself from place to place and to feel out of place. You’ll discover or rediscover better versions of yourself on the way. Go to a country you’re afraid of, meet the people you think you don’t like, go to events that are not really your style, and you’ll see that these are life-changing experiences and continuous learning processes for yourself.

What is diadelmar (day of the sea)? It is the perfect metaphor to translate my philosophy of traveling that I want to share with you:
– It’s about having a day in the sun, on a beach somewhere, in an exotic destination, having the best time of your life. You envision it, you want it, you know where this dream destination is, but you don’t know how to get there. Check the blog, and you would see I have some ideas for you. Also –  I’m a good planner and goal setting is a passion of mine, so I am here to help you.
– It’s also about diving deeper into your thoughts, doing the work with yourself, working on yourself, your emotional intelligence, getting to know yourself, getting out of your comfort zone and growing as a person. If you allow me, I have a lot of recommendations on getting out of your comfort zone, I’m a master at it. Contact me / Write me an email!
– Dia Delmar is my chosen explorer name. I am Dia Delmar. A few years ago I wanted to invent a different name for myself , and this has been my choice since then. Delmar is a reminder that I can be who I want to be and I can make it happen, as long as I am true to what I want, and not what people tell me what I should want and be. I invite you to do the same, to be who you are and where you want, and discover or re-discover yourself through traveling! Go on the road with me – let me be your guide!

I’m here to bring you stories of transformation and empowerment, from my own travels, how I grew and what I learned, as well as share some of the fun I had on the way. I believe travel is about self-discovery, as much as it is about exploring the world, discovering and embracing the ‘different’, AND the pretty photos we take along the way. Join me!